Potok Sega was built in the late 1800s. Rumoured to be built by the local carpenter who was also responsible for construction of the Statenberg castle (linkhttp://www.dvorecstatenberg.si/eng/ )located just outside of Makole. Potok Sega Creek was once a flowing river and an older ruin of a mill (estimated at 400-600 years old) still sits on the other side of the river which was apparently used for lumber and at some point grinding grains. The property has passed many eras. It housed multiple families. At one point, it had an office for an old coal mine. that was here near the mountain, as well as a hideout for clandestine Partisan soldiers during WWII.

The one local historical fact that has been spoken to us since we moved to this house is that Potok Sega was a place where the local villagers would gather. Women would sit and peel corn, many pigs were turned over the fire and joyous celebrations of the seasons were had. You can still see men and women hike along the river to the waterfall after church to put their feet in the water. A tradition that seems to have been there before Christianity came to the area.


A more ancient and only spoken in word history, stretches to pre- christianity, when the Mountian Boc that is home of Rogaska Slatina Historical Roman Spa (link http://en.slovenia-terme.si/spas/rogaska-health-resort/ )was regarded by the pagan Celts who inhabited the area as a Goddess of Water. It was common Tradition that the elders would bathe in a spring or waterfall that produces untainted clean water before their morning rituals, or when priests and preistests would be ordained. It is often seen in Slovenia today that the elderly still practice this in touristic places, by making the gesture of removing their shoes and putting their feet in the water of a spring or bottom of a waterfall. Many places in Slovenia, in such places, churches were built over these natural sites. We often see elderly hiking past the home on their way after Church in the village toward Slap Sosterica to practice this very tradition.

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